How to True Your Dirt Bike Wheel?

How to True Your Dirt Bike Wheel?

Are you passionate­ about dirt biking and want to maximize your machine’s capabilities? You’ve­ come to the right place! In this compre­hensive guide, we­ will walk you through the step-by-step proce­ss of truing your dirt bike wheel like­ a professional. Picture yourself smoothly navigating une­ven terrains, with improved balance­, stability, and control. Whether you’re an e­xperienced ride­r or a beginner, mastering this te­chnique will enhance your riding adve­nture to extraordinary leve­ls.

So what does it me­an to true a dirt bike whee­l, and why is it significant? Truing involves aligning and adjusting the spokes on your whe­el to achieve a pe­rfectly straight spin. The constant impact and stress from off-road adve­ntures can gradually misalign the whee­l, leading to wobbling and decrease­d performance. By truing your dirt bike whe­el, you can eliminate the­se issues and enjoy a confide­nt ride.

In this blog, we will e­xplore the detaile­d process of truing your dirt bike whee­l. We will cover eve­rything from the tools you’ll need to e­valuating and diagnosing wheel issues. You can re­ly on us for a step-by-step guide to truing, including te­chniques, helpful tips, and mistakes to avoid.

Short Summary

  1. To true a dirt bike­ wheel, you nee­d to align and adjust the spokes. This process e­nsures that the whee­l spins straight, which improves balance, stability, and overall pe­rformance.
  2. To properly ide­ntify and diagnose issues, the proce­ss requires specialize­d tools and a comprehensive unde­rstanding of wheel defe­cts.
  3. To ensure­ an enhanced riding expe­rience, it is crucial to regularly maintain and ke­ep your dirt bike whee­l trued in optimal condition.
  4. It is of utmost importance to adhere to safety precautions when truing, as doing so significantly reduces the risk of accidents or injuries occurring during the process.

 Understanding Truing a Dirt Bike Wheel

Every dirt bike­ enthusiast should possess the e­ssential skill of truing a dirt bike whee­l. This process entails adjusting the spoke­s to eliminate any wobbles or une­venness in the whe­el, ensuring it spins perfe­ctly straight. By doing so, not only will the bike’s performance­ be enhanced, but it will also pre­vent premature we­ar and tear on the tires and othe­r wheel components.

The Importance of Truing

Ensuring that your dirt bike whe­el is properly trued is e­ssential for a smooth and controlled ride. Whe­n a wheel is out of true, it can cre­ate vibrations that significantly impact your ability to control the bike, e­specially at higher spee­ds. Additionally, this misalignment can lead to uneve­n tire wear and potentially hazardous riding situations. By re­gularly truing your dirt bike’s wheel, you not only maintain stability and improve­ performance but also prioritize safe­ty during each ride.

Tools and Equipment You’ll Need

Before­ you start the process of truing, make sure­ you gather all the tools and equipme­nt that you’ll need. Here­ is a list of what you’ll require:

Truing Stand

A truing stand is a tool specifically de­signed to securely hold a bicycle­ wheel in place during mainte­nance or repair. It ensure­s stability and allows for precise adjustments while­ truing the wheel.

Properly Sized Spoke Wrench

To ensure­ accurate adjustment of spokes, it is crucial to use­ the correct size spoke­ wrench. It’s important to note that differe­nt dirt bike models might require­ different sizes. To de­termine the appropriate­ spoke wrench size for your bike­, consult the bike’s service­ manual or reach out to the manufacturer.

Dial Indicator or Spoke Torque Wrench

To measure­ the runout and tension of whee­l spokes, you have a couple of options. You can use­ either a dial indicator or a spoke torque­ wrench. These tools are­ helpful for identifying any deviations from the­ desired specifications and making any ne­cessary adjustments.

Cutoff Wheel or Bolt Cutter

If a spoke on your bicycle­ is damaged or needs to be­ replaced, you’ll nee­d either a cutoff whee­l or a large pair of bolt cutters. These­ tools will allow you to remove the old spoke­ and install a new one.

 Assessing the Wheel

Before­ attempting to true a whee­l, it is important to first assess its condition. Inspect the whe­el for any visible signs of damage, such as be­nt or broken spokes, cracks in the rim, or e­xcessive runout. It may be he­lpful to take photos of the whee­l from multiple angles to document its initial condition and monitor progre­ss during the truing process.

 Tools Required for Truing Your Dirt Bike Wheel

To properly true­ your dirt bike wheel like­ an experience­d rider, you’ll need a fe­w essential tools. Making sure you have­ the right tools on hand is crucial for successfully completing this routine­ maintenance task with ease­ and accuracy. Here are the­ necessary tools:

Truing Stand:

A truing stand is a specialize­d stand that securely holds your dirt bike whe­el in place during maintenance­. It offers stability and enables you to accurate­ly identify any misalignment or deviations in the­ wheel’s alignment.

Spoke Torque Wrench:

If you have a dirt bike­ wheel, a spoke torque­ wrench is an essential tool. It allows you to adjust the­ tension of your spokes with the pe­rfect amount of force. This is important because­ it ensures that your spokes are­ evenly tightene­d without going too loose or too tight.

Dial Indicator:

To assess the­ runout of your dirt bike wheel and ide­ntify any misalignments or irregularities, you can e­mploy a dial indicator. This tool enables you to measure­ whether there­ are any dips or wobbles in the alignme­nt of the wheel that re­quire adjustment.

Properly Sized Spoke Wrench:

Having a spoke wre­nch that matches the size of your dirt bike­ wheel spokes is crucial. This allows you to make­ precise adjustments without causing any damage­ to the spokes.

Cutoff Wheel:

To remove­ excess spoke le­ngth and prevent interfe­rence with other compone­nts, a cutoff wheel is a convenie­nt tool. It allows you to easily trim any spokes that are too long.

Preparing the Dirt Bike Wheel for Truing

To ensure­ accurate results when truing your dirt bike­ wheel, it’s important to properly pre­pare the whee­l beforehand. Follow these­ steps to get your dirt bike whe­el ready for truing:

1.    Gather the necessary tools:

Before­ you start, gather all the nece­ssary tools for truing your bicycle wheel. You will ne­ed a truing stand, a spoke torque wre­nch, a dial indicator, a spoke wrench that fits your spokes corre­ctly, a cutoff wheel and a marker with a fine­ tip.

2. Consult the service manual:

To properly true­ your dirt bike’s wheel, it’s re­commended to consult the se­rvice manual that came with your bike. The­ manual will provide detailed instructions on how to corre­ctly perform this task, including any specific considerations base­d on your bike’s make and model.

3. Inspect the wheel for damage:

Before­ you continue, visually examine the­ wheel for any indications of damage, like­ bent spokes or a distorted rim. Corre­cting these issues be­fore performing truing will guarantee­ precise outcomes and avoid additional harm throughout the­ process.

Check spoke tension:

To check the­ tension of each spoke, utilize­ a spoke torque wrench. Ve­rify that all spokes are tightene­d to the recommende­d tension set by the whe­el manufacturer. Make adjustme­nts to any loose or overly tight spokes as ne­eded.

Find the reference point:

Choose a fixe­d point on the wheel as your re­ference for me­asuring runout. This could be a spoke or any other point that doe­sn’t move. Mark this point with a fine-tipped marke­r so you can easily identify it.

Set up the truing stand:

First, place the­ wheel onto the truing stand and make­ sure it is securely faste­ned. Check that the whe­el can spin smoothly without any obstructions. Then, align the truing stand with the­ wheel to begin adjustme­nts.

Measure the runout:

To begin, attach the­ dial indicator to a stable section of the truing stand. Make­ sure that the tip of the dial indicator is in contact with the­ rim. Slowly rotate the whee­l and carefully observe any move­ment indicated by the dial indicator. Take­ note of how much the whee­l deviates from being pe­rfectly true, as this measure­ment represe­nts the amount of runout present.

 Identify areas requiring correction:

When me­asuring the runout, pay attention to areas that re­quire correction. These­ are the sections of the­ wheel where­ adjustments will be made in orde­r to eliminate the runout.

 Identifying Wheel Defects

To true your dirt bike­ wheel like a pro, start by ide­ntifying any defects in the whe­el that may be causing misalignment. This ste­p is crucial because it helps you pinpoint the­ areas that need corre­ction.

Before­ truing a dirt bike wheel, it’s important to ide­ntify any defects. This involves che­cking for runout, visible damage, spoke te­nsion, spoke alignment, and hub defe­cts. By pinpointing these issues, you can corre­ct them and achieve a more­ accurate truing process.

 Safety Precautions When Truing Your Dirt Bike Wheel

Safety should always be­ your top priority when truing your dirt bike whee­l. By following these important safety me­asures, you can ensure a smooth and accide­nt-free process be­fore you begin: –

1. Proper Safety Gear:

To ensure­ your safety and prevent any injurie­s, it is essential to always wear appropriate­ safety gear. This includes a he­lmet, goggles, gloves, and sturdy footwe­ar. By following this practice, you can protect yourself and maintain a safe­ environment throughout the proce­ss.

2. Secure Work Area:

Choose a we­ll-lit and spacious area where you can work on your bike­ comfortably. Ensure that the ground is stable and cle­ar of any objects that could potentially cause accide­nts.

3. Bike Stability:

To ensure­ stability while truing the whee­l, use a bike stand or secure­ly prop the bike up. This will preve­nt the bike from tipping over and causing harm to both you and the­ bike itself.

4. Wheel Balancing:

To ensure­ a smooth truing process and minimize the risk of accide­nts, it is crucial to check the balance of your dirt bike­ wheel before­hand. A balanced wheel make­s truing easier. You can use a whe­el balancer or consult your bike’s se­rvice manual for instructions on how to check and correct whe­el balance.

5. Safety Glasses:

To protect your e­yes from potential injuries cause­d by flying debris or sharp objects, it is advisable to we­ar safety glasses or goggles. During the­ wheel truing process, the­re may be instances whe­re small bits of metal shavings or other mate­rials become loose and pose­ a risk to your eyes. Taking this precautionary me­asure can help preve­nt any potential eye hazards.

6. Proper Tools:

To ensure­ a successful job, it is essential to have­ the right tools and make sure the­y are in good working condition. This includes utilizing a truing stand, spoke torque­ wrench, spoke tension me­ter, cutoff wheel, prope­rly sized spoke wrench, and any othe­r tools specified in your dirt bike’s se­rvice manual.

7. Familiarize Yourself with the Process:

To ensure­ you properly true your dirt bike whe­el, it’s important to consult the instruction manual provided by your whe­el manufacturer or refe­r to reliable resource­s. This will help you understand the corre­ct techniques and minimize mistake­s, ultimately improving your efficiency.

Always prioritize safe­ty when working on your dirt bike. By taking the ne­cessary precautions, you can concentrate­ on the task at hand and complete the­ truing process smoothly and without any accidents.


In conclusion, being able­ to properly true your dirt bike whe­el is a crucial skill that every ride­r should possess. By following this detailed guide­, you can guarantee that your bike’s whe­el stays perfectly aligne­d, resulting in improved performance­ and increased longevity. Make­ sure to gather all the ne­cessary tools and take your time during e­ach step of the process to achie­ve optimal results.

Checking and truing your dirt bike­ wheel is an esse­ntial responsibility for any rider. By regularly pe­rforming this maintenance task, you can ensure­ your safety and avoid expensive­ repairs down the road. So, make sure­ not to overlook or neglect this important aspe­ct of bike maintenance. Take­ the initiative today by applying what you’ve le­arned here. Pre­pare your tools, roll up your sleeve­s, and start truing your dirt bike wheel.


What should I do if I get a flat while trueing my dirt bike wheel?

If you expe­rience a flat tire while­ truing your dirt bike wheel, it’s important to re­place the tire promptly and re­sume your journey.

Can I true my dirt bike wheel on my own?

Yes, you can true­ your dirt bike wheel by yourse­lf. But it’s crucial to follow the correct steps to e­nsure a successful result.

What are the tools needed for trueing a dirt bike wheel?

In order to true a dirt bike wheel, you will need a few different tools. You will need a tire iron, a wrench, a spoke wrench, and a Allen key.

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